Sunday, July 19, 2020

Never Be The Same Again

Just like that like that, July is nearing its end. I've been back working at the office for 3 weeks now. Three days only but still glad to have a sense of normalcy in my life again. But still. it's not the same anymore. Life has changed so much in the past 5 months. Aside from the disruption this pandemic brought to our lives, there's just so much going on in society that's been really affecting me a lot. Whenever this thing ends, it won't go back to that life I knew before this nightmare happened. Uncertainty is probably the word that best encapsulates this period of time. I have so many feelings that are all boiling inside me. I need to learn how to deal with this now, finally accept what's in store. But sometimes I still think I can't be that person for so long. I need to cling on to hope no matter how small it is. I need to prevent myself from falling to the jaded oblivion. Oh Dear Lord, please guide me. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kapit lang Jec. We will get through this.