Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Tatay was taking an afternoon nap earlier when he got woken up because Nanay shouted out loud to call me because there was someone in the gate (it was just a neighbor picking up an item he ordered from my sister who is into online selling now). Tatay got annoyed that his sleep was interrupted so he was quite moody when Nanay asked him what he would like for dinner. When Tatay answered with an irritated voice, Nanay responded asking him why is he answering like that she just was asking. It was striking because it was the first time I saw Nanay like that, her face was so sad. Usually, if you answer Nanay back with a raised voice, she would snap at you and put you in your place. But today was the first time I saw her like that. Tatay of course eventually apologized and things are okay now. However, I can't seem to erase in my mind how Nanay looked earlier. I'm so not used to Nanay being vulnerable like that, she has always been this strong woman and yes has a short temper that also easily subsides, she could berate you in the morning but then lovingly take care of you during meal time. I'm sure her recent health scare has affected her a lot. It's making me realize even more that right now I really have to be a stronger person now because my parents would need someone they can lean on as they grow old. I admit I'm a bit struggling with these responsibilities because I'm also scared but I need to be a full-pledged adult now. It's my turn to look after them. Oh God I'm quite nervous but please guide me. I know deep inside I have resentments but it's all okay now, I can deal with those things, accept how things are but please keep my parents safe and healthy.

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