Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 My uncle who is sick is thankfully negative of COVID19, my aunt informed my father earlier. My uncle's sickness is not really connected to it but as a precautionary measure by the doctor he had a swab test. Thank God! My uncle needs personal care right now so if he was positive of the illness it would have been hard for his family to take care of him as he will be isolated from them. My uncle's journey in battling his illness still has a long way to go but at least one scary possibility has been eliminated already. Praying hard he will beat this life challenge.


My other uncle who passed away will be cremated tomorrow. My father was able to gather more than enough funds for it. He got stressed earlier because his SSS pension was delayed since normally it would be released a day or two before the end of the month. We have been checking his ATM for the past 2 days and nothing! Earlier this morning, still no pension! I went to SSS Facebook page and found it was not just him but seems like all pensioners had delayed release. My father would have used the money to help his my uncle's family so he was really frustrated when it was still not released. Thankfully around 3PM the pension has finally been transferred to his bank account. My father was still quite moody earlier tonight but I figured it out it is because his brother will be cremated tomorrow and he won't be there physically to say goodbye so I understand the frustration. My dear uncle Jesus please guide Tatay, he loves you so much. 

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