Friday, September 04, 2020


So it's my birthday tomorrow and per usual I have no plans especially now in the state we live in. I will have the usual cake, pancit, and all those food items to share with my family but nothing really special. I like having low key birthdays. Part of my introvert nature really. Also, I will accompany my mother tomorrow for her routine lab tests and hopefully, nothing scary comes out of it. My family's safety and health are basically my birthday wish every year.

So I will turn 33 tomorrow and geez I am at my father's age when I was born! I still sometimes can't fathom that I am this old, a full-fledged adult but here we are. Not gonna lie this wasn't the life I pictured myself in when I'm this age already but you know what with everything that happened this 2020, I have a new appreciation with my life. All my complaints and whinings before seem so futile right now. I have a lot of things to be grateful. 

But of course, while I'm basically contented where I am, I still dare to dream and hopefully I can manage to reach that even if it's gonna be difficult but reach for the stars, right?

Thank you Dear Lord for another year.  

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