Saturday, January 01, 2022

365 Days

So I blogged every single day in 2021 365 days. First time ever in 16 years of my blog's existence. Yes, I combined my yearend TV and Movies retrospective in one post so I would have exactly one post per day hahah! Anyway, I  know majority of my posts since I started posting daily are not polished! With mostly random vague thoughts filled with rants, fears and anxieties. Basically my shock absorber but it has really help grapple with complicated feelings the past 2 years or so. I'm fearful of what could happen this 2022. Where I will be 365 days from now? Hopefully, the worst case scenarios will just stay in my mind and will not manifest. It's really rough but I will carry on and face everything life throws at me the best way I can/ 

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