Thursday, January 13, 2022

Scary Times

 Cases reached an all time high again and the virus is just literally everywhere. The streets are essentially empty. Saw many stores in Ayala that are "temporarily closed". In this pandemic I have seen a lot of these temporary closures that ultimately led to full time closures one of which is the FamilyDoc clinic here in our place. Imagine a clinic closing in this era. There are fewer people going to work onsite these days as seen in the number of commuters now. Even in our office we are so few. I've been in the office for the past 3 days and I will go work from home tomorrow. I contemplated going to the office again to finish some task in advance but I decided against it in the end because I can do it next week anyway and I need some time off commuting because it is scary to be exposed out in the streets. Paracetamols and other medicines going scare is quite disturbing too., Hoping and praying hard this is the last big wave. Please let it be. 

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