Sunday, January 31, 2021


 I love the weather today! The perfect weather to slack off but I didn't because I did some work from home stuff where one stressed me a little because I got frustrated over something that's so preventable but keeps on happening despite many attempts to correct it. It's not exactly my fault but I feel it is because of my  attitude of being too nice where stricter discipline was needed. But the thing is if I can avoid stressful stuff, I would take that road first but clearly it's not the best option for this situation. Good thing that the other work task I had was more relaxing because I did a preview and quality check of a dubbing project. Anyway, back to the weather, I hope it stays for a few more days or weeks! Living in this constantly stressful world of health hazards and political insanity, a cool weather gives a temporary retrieve from all the anxiety!

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