Friday, May 22, 2020

What's the truth?

The past two days have been so alarming because of the health department lead conflicting statements. First is that we are supposedly in the second wave but other people in the government contradicted him later on so he then took his words back. Then this chief had a dangerous statement that asymptomatic COVID19 people have not been proven infectious. What on earth is that statement? I remember way back in January when the outbreak started how he was downplaying the situation and then how our country is ready for this. I'm so infuriated because IF ONLY if we had a more proactive head maybe by this point easing the lockdown would be more organic and safer than this when there's so much left to worry about when there's an average of 200 confirmed cases each day! Last week of May next week, can we really go their marketed New Normal by June? I'm afraid not. So nervous.


Unknown said...

I started becoming optimistic because of the eased restrictions but damn we are still in this circus.

forg/jecoup said...

I want to be optimistic as well but I just don't have confidence right now. I hate this feeling but just can't stop it