Sunday, May 24, 2020


This is the headline of the Sunday issues of the New York Times. No photos, no graphic but a powerful headline humanizing this crisis we are in. They are not just statistics, they are human beings we have lost due to this pandemic.  The article listed the names of people who died as earlier published in various obituaries in regional US newspapers. I've read some and it's heartbreaking. 
I applaud The New York Times for doing this, this newspaper headline is a time capsule, people in the future will see this and they will instantly find out how TRAGIC this crisis is.
I hope a local newspaper will do the same here as well.


One of the reasons I'm blogging again constantly is that I want to capture what I'm feeling in this life changing situation we are in right now. I want this to serve as my time capsule for me to look back someday. I really hope that future will be better and when I read all these posts I made during this pandemic it will serve as memory on how I dealt with this and what I've learned from it. I've often shared in this blog how time flies by and I can't see to catch up with it. Now everything is so slow and I'm so scare of the future.

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