Wednesday, November 04, 2020


 I'm not even from the US but I'm nervous about their election results today. In the past, I never really cared even in 2016. Now, it's so different because whatever happens today will have an effect, directly or not, on the rest of the world. It's still the most powerful country in the world and all eyes are on this election. I'm nervous because the opposite of what I hope happens then it will just send a statement that the abrasive style will still be loud and pandered on. It will still be chaotic and divisive with respectful discourse still shafted. I'm quite losing hope really with the way things are happening now. I don't know what to feel right now. Maybe I should just stop caring? Is even worth it? I'm powerless anyway. 

Update 4 hours later

Yeah looking like it will be the same again. While I prepared myself for this result, now that this closer to reality it truly sucks

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