Friday, November 13, 2020


Friday the 13th! This day just reminded me of the last one which was in March. The last day of the "old normal". The next day the community quarantine was imposed and lives were put on hold.  Last Friday the 13th was the last time the office was full of many people. It was last time I saw a lot of co-workers too. Some are still working from home, some left. I went back to the office in July but up until now each time I pass by the empty cubicles, it makes me sad. 

It was also the last time that I saw the streets of Ayala busy.  Full of life. Even if the volume of vehicles increased and there's traffic again, there's still a kind of silence that's deafening. That day was also the last time I saw my favorite eatery near the office open. Now, there's a FOR LEASE sign in front of it. I also remember, planning on that day to take a leave to attend my nephew's elementary graduation scheduled later that month. It was cancelled and we didn't see my nephew on stage to deliver his valedictory speech. 

People often say to be extra careful when it's Friday the 13th because bad luck could happen. But nearly everyday since that day in March feels like Friday the 13th anyway.

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