Saturday, May 22, 2021


 Just finished the Q&A session with the workshop facilitator and it was done via Google Meet. It's actually my first time to do an online group video conference although I turned my video and audio off because I'm comfortable just listening and just posting my thoughts/queries on the chat box. I posted a question about tips on improving concentration when writing because God knows I need one and learned some insightful tips. I jot down notes via notepad because when I was a student this helped me process information. I'm gonna post the notes I took as it is as reminder to myself:

Ideas can not be copyrighted

Tangible things only can be copyrighted

Authenticity over originality

same premise but not necessarily same beats/ending

Motive will give to potential

Action give you trajectory

Look 4 elements work in the logline, must exciting

if it doesn't push you to write, then rewrite the logline

nuances make the difference

if you are concrete, you avoid being a clone

not being about the best, but be good with the writing

if you are not good enough, start by drawing inspiration

allow influences to guide your writing

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