Friday, August 25, 2023


 I can't help but be bothered although it has been clarified that there's nothing to be worried about. But why is the reflex to castigate because you did so much better that they've been overshadowed? I know I'm overthinking it but I can't help but feel so bad. This was the last thing I needed. But maybe this is another punishment because of my consistent mistakes these past few months. Because I gave in to my shallow wants. I know there is a valuable lesson out there but now let me wallow through the pain of being disregarded. I know it was not the intention but it has already affected me so much now. I'll get over it because in the end I did nothing wrong but I'm just going to be cautious now. Put that wall back again. Well, I've always had walls but I left some space but maybe it was a mistake. I was so protective to not make a mistake, not to stir the boat but who knew doing so well will still cause you harm? Where will I place myself?

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