Thursday, May 04, 2023


 One of those moments again where you realize how lonely you really are. One of the thing bugging your right now is such a non-issue to other people but because of your inadequacy you make a big deal out of it. You talk to yourself to not feel any resentment because ultimately it was the right choice because you would never be at peace anyway if you look the other way. But it's incredibly hard. At least you still manage to control things before it spins out of control. You need to collect yourself because no one else will do that for you. They're too busy thinking about their other concerns to mind you. But to be fair, they do care but unlike you they're just not as good as handling things that stress you out. You would often browse social and think why do these people seemingly have happy lives. Sure, your cynical side tells you that's just a put on but let's face it, you know there's an empty space in your heart hence you feel this way. It's okay you say to yourself. Let it out for a moment and once you have that catharsis, carry on.

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