Saturday, April 17, 2021


 It is exceptionally hot today especially because I went out to do errands (market, grocery, medicines, withdrawing my sister's salary). But I do really like doing errands like this because it feels normal. But of course I know it is not, I've felt uncomfortable earlier with how packed the market is that I hurriedly left the vegetable stall I was in without even checking if what I bought was weighed properly and priced accordingly  because there were too many people! Grocery and pharmacy trip was more relaxing because fewer people but the ATM line was so long! Anyway, compared to last year's very strict lockdown today was a walk in the park. The confirmed cases are over 10K the past few days and I find it alarming that things are not getting any better and the handling messier than ever. I'm tired of ranting about this but I can't help but feel it. I minimized my news exposure especially whatever uncouth words that person has said again public, Nothing has changed. Tired. So tired.

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