Monday, November 28, 2022


 I just wish for a life of fewer complications but I know I will never get it. I'm so befuddled about how something that can be ignored can create a bigger mess. Isn't life hard enough as it is? Why do we feel compelled to add more to the stress and anxiety we are feeling? While I still go on and still make things work internally I'm just giving up. This exhausting feeling I've manifested in other facets of my life. There are just things that will not happen to me no matter what and now I admit it because of personal choice. While other elements are a factor but ultimately it is my choice to devote my life to this kind of living. I really just want to sit in the corner and mind my business but I know it's not in my nature, I always do something to make things OK for them and me in a way as well. But honestly just freaking tired that it keeps on happening and utterly hopeless. 

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